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Fast-growing leader
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Wandoo Finance is an international, fast-growing leader in the development of financial products based on our own innovative and sustainable IT solutions for the consumer lending market. We are well-positioned to deliver increasing value to our investors by managing our accelerated growth plan to balance rapid expansion with the expert control of our risk exposure and the constantly evolving fintech landscape.

At Wandoo Finance, we are ever looking to expand our scope and blaze our own path. We firmly believe this strategy holds significant value for our investors.
Investor Relations
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Please leave your contact information, Wandoo Finance representatives will contact you shortly with the details of the offer.
Investment Opportunities
Available investment opportunities include - loans and high-return equity.

Investors have the flexibility to decide between smaller investments in personal debt and more significant investments in business debt.
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Net turnover and EBITDA growth throughout Y2021 - Y2023
graph of portfolio
graph of equity
graph of equity
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Equity raised


Debt attracted


Number of investors